The Poetry Porch 2024:   Edited by Joyce Wilson

Sunday Drive

Song of Route One by Allegra Printz (Oil on canvas, 28 by 48 inches, Private Collection). Copyright © by Allegra Printz 2024.

INCLUDING: Linda Arntzenius   Bruce Bennett   Barbara Siegel Carlson   Jennifer Clarvoe   William Conelly   Thomas DeFreitas   Richard Dey   William Doreski   Miriam Drev   Russell DuPont   Richard Fein   Kate Flaherty   Nels Hanson   Helen K. Heineman   Nancy Heiss   Robert K. Johnson   George Kalogeris   David Landon   Frannie Lindsay   Catherine Mayes   Jennifer Davis Michael   Miriam O’Neal   Joyce Peseroff   Marge Piercy   Beth Brown Preston   Mykyta Ryzhykh   Joan Soble   Elaine Sorrentino   Michael Todd Steffen   Greg Tomaini   Connemara Wadsworth   M. Brooke Wiese   Joyce Wilson  

ANNOUNCEMENT: Poetry Porch Reading on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., First Church of Cambridge, 11 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Featuring poetry and prose from The Poetry Porch by sixteen contributors. For more details, send an email to Poetry Porch Mail.

CONGRATULATIONS: Gail Mazur, recipient of The Golden Rose, New England Poetry Club, 2024.

Editor’s NOTE
Henry and Emily, fan fiction by Joyce Peseroff.  
The Summer of Nothing to Say, a memoir by Frannie Lindsay.  

From Dream Sessions, five by Richard Fein:
       Korean War
       “the book’s been delayed at the printer”
       Outskirts of Sierpc
       Lowell Visits
Three by Joan S. Soble:
       Moon House
       The One Needle Found
       Against Forgetting
Two by William Conelly:
Three by William Doreski:
       Something of the Winter Solstice
       Red Roar
       Science Friction Story
Two by Jennifer Clarvoe:
       Etymological Object of the Ocean
       The Root of Love
Two by Helen Heineman:
       Klieglight Kliegl
       Letter to a Teacher
Two by Nels Hanson:
       Shady Grove
       The Scribe
Three by Michael Todd Steffen:
       Early Studies
       Sliced Bread
       That House
Da Vinci’s Dream by Catherine Mayes
Four by Beth Brown Preston:
       At the Library: Montreal, Quebec, circa 1950
       A Dream
       A Garden of Devotion
       An All-American Girl, for Gwendolyn Brooks

Five by Marge Piercy:
       War of my childhood
       Somehow I arrived
       I choose to persist
       The goddess who can evaporate
       We are warned
Sunday Drive by Elaine Sorrentino
Four by Barbara Siegel Carlson:
       Address Book
       Questions for a Bench on a Hill
       Is that a God you are speaking to?
       Patch of Woods
Two by Miriam Drev, translated from the Slovene
by the Author and Barbara Siegel Carlson:

       My Loved Ones
A Sequence of Poems by Mykyta Ryzhyh
Two by Joyce Wilson:
       The Women in the Church
       Unsigned Memorials to Mary
Three by Miriam O’Neal:
       Minding the Fire
       My mother taught me
Four by Robert K. Johnson:
       An August Dusk
       Late October
       A Kind of Aubade
       Right After My Doctor’s Appointment
Three Poems by Russell DuPont
Four by George Kalogeris:
       Twin Bakery
       The Balkan Wars
Broom by Kate Flaherty

SPECIAL FEATURE: The Sonnet Scroll

Poetry Porch Mail     All Contributors    Previous Issues    SUBMISSIONS    Sources    updated January 3, 2025