George Kalogeris teaches English Literature and Classics in Translation at Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusetts. His collection of poems Guide to Greece was published in 2018 by Louisiana State University Press. Dialogos, Paired Poems in Translation appeared with Antilever Press in 2012, and Camus: Carnets, a book of poems based on the notebooks of Albert Camus, with Pressed Wafer in 2006. Other poems have appeared in Agni, Harvard Review, and Ploughshares. “Horace in Athens,” translated from Cavafy, appears in the Penguin edition of Horace in English (1996).
In 1986 George Kalogeris received a masters degree in creative writing from Boston University. He completed his Ph.D. studies in comparative literature at the University Professors Program, Boston University in 1991. His doctoral thesis was entitled “Folk Songs and Foreign Influences in Modern Greek Poetry: the Growth of the Demotic Tradition.”
To read Kalogeris on The Poetry Porch:POETRY
Down to the Cellar
Chopping Block
My Guides
On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year
Poetry Workshop
Arshile Gorky
Poetry and translationsPROSE
The Launch of David Ferry’s Aeneid
Review of From Mist to Shadow by Robert K. Johnson
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