The Poetry Porch 1: Poets

About Jennifer Rose

Visit her Web site at

Jennifer Rose was born in Evanston, Illinois, in 1959 and has lived in Massachusetts since 1971. She has been a "Discovery"/The Nation winner and a PEN/New England "Discovery" as well as the recipient of awards and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Massachusetts Cultural Council, and the Poetry Society of America, among others. The poems posted on The Poetry Porch are from her manuscript The Old Direction of Heaven, from a manuscript-in-progress called Hometown for an Hour, and from a series of elegies called Before and After Photographs. A community activist, she works as a city planner specializing in downtown revitalization. The Old Direction of Heaven was a finalist for the T. S. Eliot Prize for Poetry and published by the Truman State University Press in early 2000.

To read Rose's post cards.
Eastham Sonnets.
To read more poems by Rose.

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